Elite Wordapper Roadmap

The Elite Wordapper project is taking shape

For our most experienced and active writers, we created the possibility to become an Elite Wordapper.

To get started, a prospecitve Elite Wordapper has to earned over 110 points (2 badges) in writing in two different sectors. If the quality evaluation is good also, the become an Elite Wordapper with access to the business version of Wordapp.com. This is the first step to build your own agency, or Guild how we call it.

Invitation links

Managing your own Guild will require you to recruit your own people. We are therefor introducing the invitation link feature now. How that works: Info

What is an Elite Wordapper?

You want to run your own business? As an Elite Wordapper, you have access to the business version of Wordapp.com and you will start to do your own projects. Including backlogs, SEO-projects and translations, you meet up with clients and then get your team of writers on board. You will be paid commission for each published text and the initial placement of the order.

Want to stay an independent Freelancer, but get a bigger piece of the cake? As an Elite Wordapper, you can get access to special gigs. These projects are not visible for the general writer crowd and pay per hour. You will also have access to smaller returning projects, where daily or monthly goals have to be met.


Career as a Country Manager

Are you living in Istanbul, or planning to move there? Join us as a Country Manager and take over the management of large-scale projects and build your own market! With the huge market potential of Wordapp, we are always looking for people to scale up. Take care of delivery, sales and management and enjoy the benefits of working within a cool and young team in the heart of Istanbul. Currently we are hiring Country Managers for all languages.







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