Are you a developer with knowledge in YML and Hugo?
Wordapp helps SEO teams with the building of WordPress sites and scaling content and other freelance tasks in 17+ languages. Right now we are looking for a full-stack developer to join our team.
Requirements are:
Hugo, Git, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, JSON, Bootstrap css framework, Javascript and jQuery.
It is also good if you know:
- Markdown
- Yaml
- Toml
- Have previous experience with shopping site templates
Hugo is mandatory to know for this position and you should be well acquainted with it, since we are in the middle of the project and can’t teach you from scratch
CLI or command line interface is also an important thing that you know.
How to apply
Does this position sound interesting? Do you have the requested skills? Please tell us why you’re the right person for this job and send us your application (with CV) via our chat.