Gamification for content writing

content writing with Wordapp

Gamification for content writing

On the 22nd of August, we are rolling out a big change in the task feed. This change is part 1 of making the task feed more relevant to our users and it is basically a reward system based on gamification (read about part 2 here). It works much the same like the gamification in Clash Royale (we do love that game).

Before we explain the gamification in Wordapp, let us explain what is expected of each role respectively. 

The writer role

As a writer, you are getting a pay raise, because you are expected to:

  1. Write good texts with the correct tone, following the instructions.
  2. Have zero grammatical or spelling mistakes.

If there are problems with keywords or instructions, please write us in the Live Chat or flag the task explaining the problem.

The editor role

As an editor, your role is more like a proofreader and you are expected to:

  1. Fix minor typos, spelling or grammatical mistakes while you are reading the text.
  2. Read through the entire text and make sure that instructions or tone are followed.
  3. The text should have zero grammatical, spelling mistakes or issues with instructions when you submit.

This means that when there are other problems with the text you send the text back with feedback. When you give feedback, please include relevant information to for example the FAQ (which has information on how to install spell check, USPs, etc.)

Best practices for editors

  1. Start reading the text, if you right away spot spelling or grammatical errors send it back with a note saying: “I didn’t read the entire text, but found these, please fix them (remind the writer how to instal the spell check).”
  2. If you see instructions not followed or tone issues. Send it back and give instructions.

Back to how the gamification works

Every task gives you points

What the new algorithm is doing is:

  • Reward users who write great texts, allowing them to have more texts pending acceptance
  • Making sure tasks move to the client fast so that everyone gets the payment in their balance sooner
  • Decreasing the ‘frustration’ in the system by making sure you get feedback fast

How it works:

  • Every user has a limit on how many texts they can have ‘pending acceptance’ – once you reach that limit you will not be able to submit tasks until one of the previous tasks is approved
  • For every task that is approved, you get 1 plus point – for every text that is returned you get a minus point
  • Based on stages (1,3,5,8,13,21,34 points..) your limit changes. For example: if you have 3 points, your limit is 5 texts pending. If you have 8 points, your limit is 13 texts pending. (If you recognize the sequence, and like working with these and other great ideas you should consider signing up for a full-time job with us!)

Minus points are only given for returns that have grammar or spelling mistakes, so make sure you install your spellcheck! The points count for all tasks you do, regardless whether they are writing, editing, publishing or managing tasks.

Users already in the system will be scaled in based on their performance in the last 34 tasks.

Why is gamification in content writing more productive?

  1. It is very fair: Wordappers that do an awesome job get to do more work and we completely eliminate “individual judgement” from the equation.
  2. It allows us to open up Wordapp so writers and editors from everywhere can just log in and get started right away, without affecting other users or the clients.
  3. Lastly, because quality gets rewarded, peer Wordappers don’t need to spend a lot of time correcting simple mistakes from their peers which will make Wordapping (let’s make this a word!) more fun, productive and with higher hourly rates for everyone.