Leads booking with Calendly

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With the Wordapp.com LaaS sites it is easier than ever to generate leads online. But how do you manage all those incoming leads if you have to talk to them one-by-one? Instead of emailing back-and-forth we always suggest Calendly. With Calendly you can set up a simple booking page on your own website or host it on a calendly URL directly. From this page, leads can directly book in your connected calendar.

How to set it up?

Having just set up Calendly for one of our clients, here is a quick run-through:

  1. Create a Calendly account
  2. Invite users to your account (starting at 10 USD/mo)
  3. Create a team for the type of bookings, for example, a consultation
  4. Set up an event using ’round robin’ > if you want to have individual events for every person in the event, just select 1 person per event
  5. Embed the team page on your website

Sales team control

The sales team can control which questions people have to fill out and when people can book in their calendars (time/days). The video below gives you a quick run-through of how that works.

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