Effective Date: Wednesday December 19th, 2016

By accessing Wordapp or using any of Wordapp’s services after the effective date, you agree to this Quality Policy.

Wordapp and Quality

Wordapp is a workplace where users are paid / pay for quality work.

1.1 Editors and Quality

When you, as an editor, submit a text the client gives a final approval. Clients expect deliveries without language mistakes (e.g. spelling/grammar). Next to that, the text has to be according to the project’s instructions / approved example text.

When you submit a text as an editor, you take full responsibility that the text is correct and if any corrections have to be made they will be made by you as an editor without additional pay.

Clients have 2 options when dealing with texts that do not fulfil these guidelines:

  1. Return the task with feedback
  2. Flag the task to a Project Manager (PM)

Returns regarding language quality (e.g. spelling/grammar):

The editor receives 3 minus points and has a chance to fix the text.

Returns regarding other quality issues (e.g. instructions not follow):
The editor receives 1 minus point and has a chance to fix the text.

At any time (i.e. even without sending feedback at all), the client can decide to flag the task to a PM.

1.2 Writers and Quality

When you, as a writer, submit a text the editor gives approval before the text is submitted to the client. Editors expect deliveries without language mistakes (e.g. spelling/grammar). Next to that, the text has to be according to the project’s instructions / approved example text.

Editors have 2 options when dealing with texts that do not fulfil these guidelines:

  1. Return the task with feedback
  2. If the text has already been sent back, flag the task to a Project Manager (PM)

Returns give 1 minutes point to you as a writer, affecting your level and the amount of tasks you can have pending approval.

An editor can flag a task at any time if it has been sent back at least once and the quality of the task has not sufficiently improved.

1.3 Actions PMs can take when a task is flagged

  1. Return the task to the writer with a written warning. Warnings are recorded.
  2. Drop the task for you and cancel your payment for that task with a written warning. Warnings are recorded.
  3. Temporarily restrict access to your account pending an investigation of previously submitted work.
  4. Reset of your writer/editor level after a warning has been given.
  5. Permanently restrict access to work in one or more languages / to your account.

1.4 Consequences of a permanent restriction on your account

Permanent restrictions are permanent and will not be overturned. When your account is permanently restricted, any pending work affected by the restriction is dropped and your pending payment for those tasks is cancelled.

1.5 Secondary opinion

Before your level is reset or your account is restricted, the PM will always get a second opinion of an independent, level 15+ native editor.

1.6 Temporary block of your account

When your account is temporarily blocked we will decide on further action within 10 working days.

1.7 About giving feedback

Feedback is work-related and never personal. Foul language, threats and/or personal attacks result in an immediate and irrevocable ban for Wordapp and all its services.

1.8 Not agreeing with feedback

If you don’t agree with feedback please flag the task so that the PM can take action towards the person who returned the task to you. We will always ask for secondary opinions regarding language quality. See 1.3 for actions a PM can take.

1.9 Unsubstantiated quality complaints

If you flag a task claiming the quality is insufficient or if you flag a task disagreeing with feedback on quality and a second opinion confirms you were not right, the PM has the option to take action on your account. See 1.3 for actions a PM can take.

Other forms of Quality Control

Wordapp regularly audits quality with manual and automated fraud detection. Examples of quality violations are, but are not limited by:

  • Automated Scripts
  • Multiple users/other users on your account
  • Machine written/scrambled texts

Wordapp admins and PMs have at any time the right to:

  1. Return your tasks to you with a written warning. Warnings are recorded.
  2. Temporarily restrict access to your account pending an investigation of previously submitted work.
  3. Permanently restrict access to work in one or more languages / to your account.